
Living For Climate project.

You can help your grand children breathe the same fresh air that we all take for granted. It is simple, just reduce your carbon footprint. Below you will find some suggestions on how to do it. By making some very simple changes in your life, you will be able to reduce carbon emissions and help save the earth for future generations.

Climate is changing. There are many causes and many solutions. There are many activists asking others (governments, industry, etc.) to change their ways. This project is not about these activists or their activities. The project is for those who take responsibility for their own actions rather than blame others.

It asks ordinary citizens to volunatrily make small but easy changes in their lives in order to reduce their own carbon footprint. An example of the changes are: reduce unnecessary energy consumption, switch to renewal energy sources, prefer video conferencing to air travel, reduce food waste, reduce meat consumption, etc.

Mosman Rotary has devised a list of suggested changes and a calculator for you to see how much difference you are making to reduce your carbon footprint. Rotary club members and individuals in the community will be asked to pick and choose which of these changes they have already made or intend to make in next three months.

Two winners who make a maximum saving in carbon foot print will be awarded a “Climate Champion” certificate. One will be from within the Mosman Rotary Club and the other from the community (non-Rotarian). Critria for choosing the winner will be the maximum savings in their carbon footprint.

An award ceremony public event will be held in March, 2020 to facilitate winners with a “Champion of the Climate” award. The award will consist of a citation/certificate and a plaque.

Please enter the award competition by making your climate pledge at

Climate Calculator Pledge

For further details contact : Surinder at surifilms @


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