Why Australian women look more beautiful than Indian women

The train at North Sydney station was crowded as office goers were eager to get home intime. There were a large number of Indians both young men and young women, well dressed and I was probably among those postgraduates living in Parramatta but working in the tech center of North Sydeny.

I was looking appreciatively at these young IT wizards. The Indian women were mostly dressed in western clothes as were those Australian women in the crowded compartment. I could not help but notice the beauty of some of the Australian women.

Soon I found myself comparing the beauty of Indian women vs beauty of Australian women jam packed around me. And I wondered, why is it that most of the Australia women look far more beautiful than the Indian women on this train. I came up with a few reasons that I want to share with my readers.

Indians like white skinned  women. A matrimonial ad in news papers highlights the fact that the girl is “Gauri” (fair skin) or as “Saanvali” meaning slightly tanned but rarely does it say dark, no matter how dark a girl’s skin color may be. TV ads are saturated with fair creams, promising to make your skin fairer (hint : whiter) and photo shop expertise comes in very handy at Photographers studio to convert a black girl to a saanvali and a sannvali girl to a gauri.

Most Indians are very ambitious and some times jealous when their wishes are not fulfilled. Most Australians are easy laid back people with a sense of accomplishment and pride in themselves. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants Indians to learn dignity of labor from Australians, meaning to take pride in your work. There is a glow of high self esteem on most of Australian women around me in the train bogie. There was a sense of heavy weight of worry, disappointment and frustration on the faces of some of the Indian women in the train. They say that beauty is only skin deep but I find women with self esteem, a sense of genuine proud and easy going creativity, very attractive.

Indians love to keep their homes in order but do not think twice in throwing their garbage on the street. Homes in India are clean but the neighborhood is filthy. As long as their home is ok, they are not bothered about their neighborhood (Swachch bharat abhiyan, clean India mission will change that). This principle of limiting their sense of their own self to their own home perhaps extends to people around them also.  I have seen Indian women dressing up to their best when they accompany their husband to a party. But they can at the same be so sloppy in their sense of dress and makeup when their husband is not around. Most beautiful Australian women were well and appropriately dressed and so was their make up, their way of standing and moving around. Most Indian women’s dress sense and choice of (if there was much) makeup was not at its best. While Australian women want to look good, just because they want to look good, Indian women want to look good to their husbands before marriage and they want to look good in parties after marriage. Looking good to others on the street or in the office is not on their agenda.

Most Indian women had packed a few pounds around them while Australia women had barely packed not even a few ounces. Indian girls look beautiful and most are able to maintain their slimness. But once they get married and are sure of their the strength of their marriage bond, the few pounds around their waist soon turn into many kilograms. Most Australian men and women are careful about what they eat and remain physically fit by exercising. Indians enjoy their curries and their sweets. Back home, such women have a maid, a cook, a driver and perhaps a gardener also. Is that the reason, most Indian women on the train had packed a few pounds while Australian women were slim, active and agile.

I am convinced that Indian women carry the all the genes of beauty in them. If only they can shed some of their attitudes and habits, they can start looking as beautiful as Australian women. I am sure that an Indian woman in a Saree will then look more sexy than another woman in a western midriff covering dress.

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